Abu Dhabi Police announced on Twitter a 50 per cent discount on traffic fines and cancellation of vehicles impounded and black traffic points committed in the emirate before December 22, 2019, for

Sheikh Mohamed announces 50% discount on UAE traffic fines Dec 03, 2017 Abu Dhabi Police Traffic Fines (Complete List 2020) Abu Dhabi Traffic Fines – Updates. The General Directorate of Abu Dhabi Police has issued new regulations amending the Federal Traffic Law No. 21 of 1995 effective from July 2017.. Take note of these new rules: Motorists who ignore traffic lights will be fined Dh1, 000 and incur a penalty of 12 points. Gulf News - 50% discount on traffic fines across the UAE! 50% discount on traffic fines across the UAE! Is your fine still not reflecting the discount? Here's why: http://gulfnews.com/1.2134866 UPDATE: Abu Dhabi PAY TRAFFIC FINES - EVG

The Abu Dhabi Police, General Headquarters has urged the public to take advantage of the 50 per cent discount on traffic violations committed in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, which ends on March 22. The Abu Dhabi Police called on all motorists to take advantage of the announcement, to ensure payment of their traffic fines within the said period

UAE traffic law - The Official Portal of the UAE Government The UAE’s amended federal traffic law came into effect on 1 July 2017. The new regulations aim to further protect the lives of road users and reduce traffic casualties from about 6 per 100,000 people to 3 per 100,000 as per Vision 2021. Dubai: Dubai Police has extended an initiative offering discounts of up to 100 per cent on accumulated traffic fines provided to drivers won’t commit fresh traffic violations. Here is how to enjoy Abu Dhabi Police announced on Twitter a 50 per cent discount on traffic fines and cancellation of vehicles impounded and black traffic points committed in the emirate before December 22, 2019, for

No violations for six months would entitle them to a 50 per cent discount. Keep driving well for nine months and you could get a 75 per cent discount and 100 per cent discount if you didn't commit

Payment of Traffic Fines | Department of Digital Ajman The Emirate of Ajman is a major hub in the UAE's entity, through its role in the initiative of the Union and its geographical location. It is located within the Northern Emirates overlooking the Arabian Gulf and the middle of the Emirate of Sharjah and Umm Al Quwain. It covers an …